Thursday, June 25, 2009

Facebook Has Fucked Me

I am placing 100% of the blame on me not writing any blog entries on mother fucking Facebook. This little social networking tool has sucked me in like the first time Fergie tried meth. I spend a lot of time, I mean a LOT of my time on it. It is borderline embarrassing really. But the most crazy part of it is that my husband, my mom, and all my close friends are all as hooked as I am! What the hell?!!I step away for a few hours and then I find myself wondering, "Gee, what's going on in all of my friends' lives? I have to know RIGHT NOW!!" Does it really fucking matter? REALLY?! Then when it comes time to sit down to my blog I am just plumb out of funniness. I am as bland and unfunny as Jared the Subway dude. NOT FUCKING FUNNY. I apologize wholeheartedly. As of now I know of no such support groups for Facebook-a-holics Anonymous. If you have a number or sponsor let me in on this nugget of info. I am currently Facebook's bitch. Maybe some alcohol will loosen up the bowels of my humor. Right now I'm a little backed up.... Patron? Paging a Senor Patron???...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally understandable Molly...I'm having the different problem with my addition to FB. I'm developing what I call FaceBook Butt. FB is making me fat! Too much time on the couch witht he laptop...

~Anna G.