Monday, December 3, 2007

Kids Say The Darndest Things

Uttered in the Ghahtani house this weekend:
On the way to 1st Reconciliation Practice...
Molly: "Sophie, have you thought about what you want to say to Father when you have your first confession?"
Sophie: "Yeah, but I'm not going to tell you because you will be REALLY mad!"

Watching TV...
Sultan : "OUCH!! Pierre just toally jumped on my nuts!"
Isabella: "Dad, what are your nuts?"
Sultan: "Uhhh...I mean he jumped on my knee. I said KNEE."

Watching Issey, the cat, clean himself...
Isabella: "Mom, Issey is licking his wiener. He ALWAYS licks his wiener!"
Issey is a 12 year-old neutered cat, with no visible wiener to lick...

After bathtime, putting lotion on the girls, as I am bent over to apply it...
Isabella: "Mom, why is your cooch in my face?"

Playing with Pierre...
Sophie: "Pierre! Stop doing the humpty dance on my arm!"

At church after Father asks for us to give each other a sign of peace...
Sophie: "Peace, yo!"

When Isabella tosses me a grocery bag..
Isabella: "Here ya' go, Toots!"

I don't know where on earth they learn this way of talking. I never let them watch television, they don't eat sugar, have never heard a foul word uttered in this house of the Lord, and we read the Bible daily. Oh and if you bought that one you probably believe Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are really in love. Freak...

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