Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Reunited and It Feels So Good

This is a photo of my awesome friend, Lisa, and I from when we were probably about 17 years-old. We are backstage preparing to dance the ballet, the Nutcracker. Yes, I am wearing Depends Undergarments. Lisa and I always joked about people who wore them and then the joke materialized into a dare. I wore them onstage underneath my nanny costume. We made each other laugh so hard that I think I actually tinkled enough to soil my adult diapers.

We were members of a semi-professional ballet company. We spent countless hours in the dance studio taking classes and attending rehearsals. I grew my wicked sense of sarcastic humor during that time in my life. I even had a parent complain about my sense of humor that got me in trouble with the company's director. Never found out who it was but probably someone who is uber-Christian and wears Easy Spirit loafers. I fucking HATE loafers. I even hate that word. LOAFERS. But I am off track now...

It has been a significant number of years since most of us dancers were together in our leotards in ballet class. Many of us have lost touch, a few are still living the dream of ballerina. (No, I do not consider myself one of them. I do enjoy a supple, Spandex leotard and tights, have actually performed onstage in the past few years, and have taught a few munchkins the fine art of a plie or tendu but I am a far cry from ballerina. Real ballerinas don't buy big titties like mine.)

Lisa and I are still great friends. She was my roommate in college and I was in her wedding. Our kids are the same age and we love to reminisce about the good ol' days of ballet. We have decided to try to gather all of our old bunheads together for a reunion. (If this is the first you are hearing of this and used to wear a leotard with me and know who Mr. Estner is and what his green jazz pants were all about, you're invited.) To say I am stoked is a slight under estimation of my emotions.

We have tried to be sleuth detectives in locating former friends but damn, it's tough! People move overseas, get married, parents pass away, they still are bitter I was the funny bitch and they weren't... You know, the usual reasons to avoid being found for a reunion. If you happen to know anyone who danced in the Grand Rapids Ballet Company or even Summerfest (now we're going back in time--WAY back), tell them August 9th will be Leotard Central in Grand Rapids. Just kidding, it's Spandex-optional. You know I'll be wearing mine, just slightly larger for my chesticles I didn't have at age 17. I think I will be purchasing some new Depends for the occasion.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I got a mention on the blog!! Desperately Seeking Bunheads. Are you out there?

Anonymous said...

Although I had nothing to do with the ballet portion of your life, after reading this blog entry, I recall a certain type of bun shape that you could make your hair into you bunhead gillooly!!!!!! Jamie