Monday, July 28, 2008

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!!!

Isabella has a new obsession. She brushes her hair 856 times a day. We have two brushes she keeps downstairs and even one in the car. It is verging on Marcia Brady-level hair brushing obsession. Didn't she insist on brushing hers 100 times a day? Isabella has spray detangler that she douses her newly cropped hair with and goes to town with that brush. If I don't supervise she will look quite greasy in a matter of hours. She will ask me, "Does it looked like I just brushed my hair?" or, "Is it fluffy or smooth?" I am now an official judge on "So You Think You Have Lustrous Locks?".

Her 6th birthday party was held at a children's hair salon, called Boozle B's. They have birthday parties with themes such as spa, princess, or diva rock star, which Isabella picked for herself a year ago. They make the girls all hoochified with neon hair extension scrunchies, glittery eyeshadow, and various rock star attire. It's very sassy. They dance around to the Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana. They do a limbo contest, make beaded jewelry, and play rock concert with inflatable microphones and guitars. This is why I am so glad I have daughters. I am a total girl mom. If I could have gotten into that chair and had those young ladies make me up I would have been all over that. I still love to dress up and put make up on. I love glittery stuff, clothing included. I doubt the Hannah Montana or Cheetah Girls jumpsuits would have accommodated my, um, ample chesticles but I would have tried.

Just had to share this diva update. I need to go find the Hannah Montana brush right now. I think Sophie was playing air guitar with it and Isabella is looking a little fluffy and she's needing to tame those unruly locks.


Anonymous said...

Girls are fun, but boys can be fun, too! You would have peed your pants yesterday laughing at my two 'tard sumo wrestlers who had wrapped themselves in large sheets of bubble wrap and proceeded to perform feats of derring do for me. I needed a Depends after that show! God willing, someday they'll grow up and marry normal girls, but so far it's not looking too good for them. the new 'do on Isabella! So chic!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, Seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in regards to hair obsessions. I remember Mommy having a certain style of hair-do that she thought was appropriate to demonstrate repeatedly at the MSU Wilson Hall cafeteria.........dildo bun anyone?? Why don't you just throw a shrimp at me in my special Gap tennis sweater????

Anonymous said...

Yes, she is her mother's daughter. Voted 'Best Hair' in high school, your offspring comes by her current OCD with her own mane quite honestly. This too, shall pass. However,the truth is: the drama in your household has only just begun.
Been there,