Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jon and Kate

I wish people would lay the hell off Jon and Kate (of Jon and Kate Plus 8). Seriously people, have you walked a day in their shoes? REALLY?! No you haven't so shut your God damn mouths. They are in a shitty situation right now. Life sucks for them and they need to deal with it. Do they stand a chance? If people quit throwing stones from their fucking glass houses they do. Fans and the media are so God damn quick to judge and quick to criticize how they operate. I think most of us would JUMP at the opportunity to make as much money as they do for a TV show. If you think, "No way! I wouldn't exploit my kids, I wouldn't sacrifice my relationship, I wouldn't...blah, blah, blah." Shut up because if you were told you would get $25-$75,000 G's for each God damn episode you filmed of your everyday family life you KNOW you would do it. And if you are sitting there right now, all self-righteous and pious saying, "I would NEVER exploit my family like that. I have decent morals and family values!" you are a fucking lying sack of shit. That's life-changing money, baby. And so fucking what if Kate works out a lot to maintain her physique? So fucking what if she goes tanning? She looks GOOD. A mommy who feels good about herself is not selfish, she is confident and a better mom to her kids. So WHAT if she occasionally spanks her kids? She has EIGHT of them, for Christ's sake. I have been known to swat my kids and I have a mere TWO. Kids talk back and act spoiled and don't listen. Time outs only work for so long, folks. I would probably stand in line to wash Cara and Mady's mouths out with soap because they are way too damn sassy for their own good. All these bitches who have worked for the Gosselin's who are now coming forward to report of Kate's disciplining skills can fuck off. Funny how she was a fine parent when she was a mother of 8 busy kids. Now she and her hubby are on more tabloid covers than Brangelina, Britney, and Jen Aniston combined and SUDDENLY you need to tell all about how Kate spanked one of the kids. Fuck off, you trailer park loser. Got your $500 for that story and you'll blow it all at the mall on your own 5 kids with 3 different baby daddies. I don't really know why I'm so angry about this, I'm just really rooting for them and don't buy all the media bullshit that's being plastered all over every Us, People, and every other trashy rag in town. You work it out, Jon and Kate, I am on your side and fuck the bitches who aren't!!!!!!!!!!!

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