Sunday, September 21, 2008

No More PB Please

If you are getting sick of hearing about my cycling you can suck it. I am obsessed and that's how I roll. Find another blog where someone talks about shoes or being fat or how their baby smears shit on the wall after naptime. Jeez, I don't know why I'm on the defense. Just a little tired I guess. If anyone likes my blog who happens to live, oh say for example, in one of the massive mansions on Lake Michigan in Winnetka or Evanston or even Kenosha that I rode past today, could you please leave your home to me in your will? Even the coach house? The garage? God damn, those are some beautiful and ginormous homes. Old money and lots of it.
So the North Shore Century was a really great ride today. I'd have to say this was my favorite ride I have done to date. Beautiful, winding course with interesting roads and things to look at. The weather started out foggier than the cemetery scene in Michael Jackson's Thriller video. I was covered with a fine sheen of this steamy moisture for the first couple of hours. That burned off and it was glorious. The rest stops had fruit, Gatorade, brownies, pretzels, and a shitload of peanut butter. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, peanut butter bagels, peanut butter blondie bars with chocolate chunks (addictive---if there was coffee I might have stayed at the first rest stop), potato leek SOUP, banana bread, date bread, 5 different types of granola bars, tubs of ice cream (only at one stop and yes, I was first in line dammit all!), and even one stop that had a charcoal grill where you could ROAST YOUR OWN MARSHMALLOWS. Evanston Bike Club hooked it up! Did I mention the peanut butter?
I loaded up with Alleve, Goo, carbs, and peanut butter in one form or another every 25 miles. I rehydrated with water, Gatorade, and electrolyte tabs. I downed Sport Legs capsules which inhibit lactic acid staying in your leg muscles, hence that horrible burning feeling when they really start to work. If your idea of working out is a leisurely stroll to the mailbox to get your latest O Magazine and Kohl's bill, you probably haven't experienced this sensation. I'm just sayin'.... I was so prepared mentally and physically, I seriously could have gone 20 more miles. We finished at 103.8 miles. Hellz YEAH!!!! I got my token water bottle, I showered my road dirt off my body. But if I have dreams that make me wake up screaming tonight, it is not my legs cramping up. I am having a peanut butter nightmare. Check the sheets, I might have shit Jif Extra Chunky..... Not right, I know. But again, THAT'S HOW I ROLL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You AND your brother have always loved peanut butter. The food industry has cleverly found out how to incorporate this wonder into 86 million things. Pity the peeps who are allergic--look what they're missing! Are you making up for them??