Friday, June 17, 2011

Would You Rather?

Ever play that game? I love playing the "would you rather get explosive, gut-wrenching diarrhea OR spontaneously vomit" game. Totally gross and entertaining for the kids. But lately I have been wondering. Would you rather be really slim, I mean we're talking size 0 or a 2 (yes, that's damn skinny if you happen to already be that size, bitch) but be ugly as fuck? OR would you rather be slightly chubby (maybe a 14 or 16) but have a really "pretty face". And by this I mean truly a pretty face, not just what grandmas say about their fat grand kids. Which would you choose?

The fuel which made me ponder this was from watching an episode of Say Yes to The Dress. There was a teeny tiny bride who was waif-like in stature. But she has the schnoz the size of a Twinkie and too-close eyes, complete with a cackling Fran Drescher laugh. That was a bonus because it made her seem uglier. This bitch could have used that mega nose for a doorstop or a paper weight or even a bottle opener. But she was skinny. That's a conundrum.

But then I've seen sweet women with dazzling smiles and impeccable taste, they just happen to be large and in-charge. I've never ever been a size 0 or 2 in my own natural life. But I like how I look and as a matter of fact how I feel in this rather curvy body of mine. I certainly do not crave more fat or curves, I struggle daily with eating and diligent workouts. I cannot drive my body to another level of 7 days-a week fitness. I think eating organic and vegan could could be great and cleansing and spiritual and all that bullshit. I see my Food TV Magazine every month and I declare how delicious and fresh and easy it all looks. But pictures in a damn magazine do not translate well into my life. I am busy, often lazy, terribly disorganized, and busy during the point of most days were those all-American families are sitting down together to enjoy a nice meatloaf, a salad, mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, a veggie from their communal garden, and tofu blackberry cobbler with soy ice cream for dessert. I applaud them.....with only my middle fingers for being such show-offs. 6 nights a week show-offs.

We had Portillo's last night. I hurt my back today so though I was ambitious in making a shrimp Mediterranean pesto pizza for lunch and the kids assembled their own, complete with raw pizza dough spun in the air. The pain got worse, as did my giving a flying shit as to what the dinner menu would be. It's call "Mommy doesn't have to fucking figure it out every damn night. Mommy's medicated and drooling and would feed you raw pasta if it was up to me. Does that make me mean or a bad mommy? No, I am hurting and someone else can figure the nourishment needs up in here. I am done for tonight.

As we sat on the benches overlooking the channel feeding into Lake Michigan enjoying our Dairy Treat cones this weekend, I have to people watch. It is hilarious fun, somewhat immature, and definitely not Christian of me. And I cannot merely watch, I feel the need to maintain a running commentary going to analyze certain scary/misfit/short a few chromosomes people as they de board from their vessels or subject me to watch their potpourri of problems manifest themselves right before my eyes. I referred to a rag tag dinghy as the SS Food Stamp. Yes I am stereotyping folks but it you witnessed the abundance who really should have a tether and police warrant barring from fornicating. You can so easily predict when a deadbeat, jail-hopping dad hooks up with a woman who has 3 kids from different daddies. It is a slew of ugly babies with problems and no future . Do us taxpayers a favor and head to school first. Get a job, save some money. And wear a damn condom.

I suppose I get my own coming to me whether I know it or not. I will preach forever, I do not think I'm perfect. I am mathematically retarded. I cannot count change. I suck at sports and have no hand/eye coordination. I dress inappropriately for my age and act younger that I am. So the fuck what? Is there a guidebook on how to act at a certain age? Keep it real, people. If you find it funny, laugh your ass off. Someone will join in. Because politically correct or not, it IS funny. Today I walked into my nail salon, annoyed another woman stepped in front of me. Then I noticed she had only one real arm, the other was prosthetic. My immediate though,"Well at least her manicure will be short because it will take half as long..." does this make me a bitch or just practical?

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