Friday, April 11, 2008

Get Your Ghetto Ass Outta' My Face, Please

I cannot stand how certain males in the young generation, say between the ages of 15 and maybe 22, feel the need to "ghetto it up". And I am not naming any particular race who is guilty of this idiocracy. I have seen white boys, black boys, Asian boys, even Arabic boys act like jackasses while they assert their pretend attitude. Puuuuhhhhlleeeezz. You are all losers who need some lessons in manners, social etiquette, and dress code.

I was at Marshall's last night shopping for some birthday gifts. There was a handful of guys who multiplied into about 10 by the time I hit the checkout. You know exactly the type I'm talking about. Over-sized jeans hanging off their asses so you can see their entire pair of boxers. Eeww. $160 Nike high top basketball shoes. Size XXXL leather baseball jackets with an egually large hoodie pulled over their head. It's not that damn cold. You look like you are going to rob the place for Christ's sake.

To accompany the retarded dress code, these guys feel the need to yell at each other all the way across the store. Does causing a commotion make you feel like you have a bigger dick or something? To me when people act like this it is a huge red flag. You are trying to create a clever diversion so you can pull some crazy shit off. Going to steal a Polo sweatshirt? Going to steal that lady's wallet from her unsuspecting handbag? Going to attack me in the parking lot and jack me for my ring? Fuck you, I think you are trashy mother fuckers and I hope whatever you are planning ends your ass up in jail. But that's my opinion, maybe you just really enjoy acting like a dickwad. I don't care. I find it super offensive.

I was actually scared as I paid for my wares and headed for the parking lot. One of the gangsta boys followed me out. He literally kept eyeing me as I walked as fast as I could to my van. I seriously thought he and one of his boys were going to jump me. Call me a paranoid mom who has lives away from the big city too long. Bite my right one. There have been muggings and car-jackings right here in my little suburbian utopia so I'm not out of line here.

If you are not in fact total vagrants of society, why act like it? I just don't get it. It does not make you look tougher or like more of a man. It doesn't impress the ladies. It draws attention to yourself and not in good way. Not sure of the logic in this. Just another thing to piss me off. And you all know how much I like to complain. At least you and your offspring won't be competing with MY kids for entrance into decent universities. You will be either dead or in jail but I'm just wagering a guess here. Keep acting ghetto and belligerent, it's what you do best. Fo' shizzle.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Jivemomma. I just wanted to let you know my feelings on your post. As a 22 year old black man who dresses "gangsta", I have to say that I dress that way because I feel comfortable wearing those clothes. I don't judge people on how they look, whether they have mohawks, nose rings, or wear polo shirts. I judge people on how they act and more specifically on how they treat other people. Now if those guys at the store were assholes, that's a different story. But your complaint seemed to be not so much against their behavior as their clothing. When you say "ghetto ass" that makes you sound a little condescending to blacks. I don't think you mean to sound racist, and I don't think it's hateful; It's seems to be a casual racism that is still prevalent in America. I'm sorry that I went on such a rant, I guess the whole thing just got me a little riled up. It's just that, I grew up in that "ghetto" with my grandparents, because neither of my parents were still around. I'm going to college now, and for someone to still label me (and others like me) as threats, and scary, is kind of insulting. I don't think it was your intention was to insult, but I just felt like I had to let you know how I felt. - Charles

Anonymous said...

Charles- you are going to tell me that wearing your pants hanging off your ass is comfortable? It seems a little counterintuitive to be pulling, tugging and hiking up your pants every 5 minutes so you dont trip on them as they fall below your knees as being "comfortable." And wearing a shirt 3 times the necessary size is comfortable? Puhleeze.

Unfortunately the folks that I see acting like fools and doing exactly what Jivemomma recounted are wearing exactly what she described in her post and it's never a particular race doing it so I'm not sure where your implication of being racially motivated is going.

Our society has social norms and to be outside of those norms draws attention...usually negative. If you dont want the negative attention then change how you behave. I'm not saying change who you are or assimilate into the cookiecutter society but be cognizant of your actions and dont be surprised when you get reactions such as those coming from Jivemomma.