Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Oooh Goody! A Debate!

When I categorized people who wear certain articles of clothing as "ghetto", I clarified that ANY RACE can be seen wearing these items. For me the prevailing issue is not what a person wears, it is how they carry themselves in public and thus how they are perceived as contributing members, or not contributing in some cases, of society.

This is what I hate about all this shit... You do not need to be excessively loud, yelling to your friends, girlfriends, kids, whatever in public places. You draw attention to yourself and, as my 2 commenter noted, NOT in a good way. You do not need to swear or call your friends by racial slurs. If I choose to swear in the privacy of my own home or when I am within listening space of MY friends, that is MY choice. When you refer to each other using the "N" word (okay, in my defense I have heard MANY races use this word) or "mutha' fucka'" and my kids are next to you waiting to get into the water park, I want to fucking punch you in the ignorant head. That "N" word, by the way, is never okay for anyone to use. I don't give a shit how entitled you think you are. It's offensive to me show kindly shut the hell up. And I do not mean ALL people who dress this way. When you enter a place where there is a line of people who were there BEFORE you, you do not have the right, just because of your ignorant, belligerent personality feels entitled, to move your ass to the front of the line, often with 5-10 of your friends. Bullshit. When you act like this in a place where I am with my mom or my kids or where I want to shop for a birthday gift in peace, God forbid someone makes eye contact with you. Then it's the old, "What the fuck are YOU lookin' at, motha' fucka'?!" Yeah, I've heard from assholes who are black AND white. Fuck, it's my opinion, my experience. Get over it.

I've met complete fuckwads that are black. I have met asswipes who are Asian. I've met miserable twats who are white. It doesn't matter your skin color, race, religion, where you live, or how low you choose to wear your damn pants, it is how you act. If you can carry on a decent conversation, if you are intelligent, if your are polite, if you have a good sense of humor, and want to wear your pants off your ass, chances are I will like you. I have friends and family members of several ethnicities so get off my ass. If anyone feels singled any race out, I am clarifying, I did not. I am singling out ignorant, self-entitled, swearing, loud-for-no-reason, people who intimidate others because they think they are tough, who might be white, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, black, yellow, purple, polka dotted, or fucking tie dyed. YOU are the dillholes I have a problem with....


Anonymous said...

OMG...I cannot believe "Charles" had the nerve to write in! If you don't want the criticism, don't play the part. That means don't run around looking like a hoodlum if you don't want people to think you are a hoodlum. In my opinion, if you are dressed with the baggy-ass pants and a shirt big enough to fit Fridge Perry, I am going to assume you are a hoodlum and probably in a gang. Wear clothes that fit. Same goes for girls wearing jeans two sizes too small with their cleavage showing - they are probably a little on the slutty size. And when there is a whole group of guys with their pants hanging too low yelling across the store, I would be scared as well.

-Team Jivemommy

Anonymous said...

Thank you for clarifying your earlier statement. I agree with 100% of what you said in this post. I hope you didn't think that I wasn't endorsing or defending those kids in the store. I definitely don't endorse assholes or dickwads. I also agree completely that talking loud/swearing in front of kids is unacceptable. I do admit that I curse quite a bit (I'm 22 for god sake), but I always quiet the fuck down when kids -or even just people- are around. I think it was just some of the words you use that made me uncomfortable. However, I think it was more a reaction to how those words have been used in the past towards me. It's obviously clear that you are using them in a different way, that is totally cool. I apologize for putting some of my shit/history/baggage on you. You didn't deserve that shit.

As a response to the comment from "anonymous": I don't think it's wrong for me to dress the way I want. If I wear baggy jeans and a basketball jersey I don't think I should be assumed to be a hoodlum, anymore than a guy in a suit should be assumed to be Kenneth Lay. - Charles

Anonymous said...

No Charles, a man in a suit would probably be classified or assumed to be a businessman, just like a man in a basketball uniform would be assumed to be a basketball player, a man in a military uniform would be assumed to be in the you see where I'm going with this? Assumptions are made whether you like it or not and you CHOOSE what you portray to others.